Donating to the SB Support Network. On January 19th, just days after our inception, the SBCC Foundation voted to serve as our fiscal agents, recognizing there was no organization like us providing this level of immediate assistance within the local community.
This relationship has allowed us to flourish, continue to meet the growing needs of the families we serve, add new families, and make life changing differences in the lives of these families.
We have no overhead or administrative costs, so these funds will go directly to the families that we advocate for. We are the ONLY organization local organization who has a 100% pass through of funds donated to the families we represent.
How do I make a financial donation?
Click here to make a tax deductible monetary donation. Please make sure to type “SB Support Network” under “specific instructions” to ensure that the funds are earmarked for the SB Support Network.
Donate Goods, Services, and Fulfill Other Specific Needs
Staying true to our initial mission we are regularly adding families to our “Sign-Up Genius” page. To donate through our Sign-Up Genius page or to learn more about this donation method, please click here.
Thank you to our gracious donors. Our success would not be possible without you. We continued to be humbled by the grace in which you have bestowed us.